Tiger Recommends: Love Inks - Exi

Love Inks
Tiger Rating: 7.5 / 10
Lo-Fi / Electronic

'Black Eye' may well have been one of the catchiest damn songs ever written. One simple verse and chorus simply repeated over and over and over again, until you couldn't remember a time when you didn't know and love the song. In 2011 Love Inks stood apart from their unsigned, largely unknown contemporaries. "Exi" was quite a long time coming. It hosts sultry cuteness that Lana Del Rey would envy, a sprightly pop sensibility that makes Haim sound clumsy and a fresh, warm minimalism that, well, is unrivaled. Though no tracks equal the catchiness of 'Black Eye', "Exi" hosts ten stand out, highly polished gems whose simplicity belie their genius. But then that is Love Inks in a nutshell.
Do yourself a favour and fall in love with them. I did and I'm happier for it.


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